The Nakamoto Initiative has already been shut down and had its Telegram channel also closed in just three days so let’s see why that happened in today’s crypto news.
With the lack of discussion about the ‘’philosophical principles that motivated Satoshi Nakamoto or the society that he wanted to build’’ a group of intellectuals launched the Nakamoto initiative website on January 3. Designed to provide the real information and to also stimulate dialog about Bitcoin, in three days in only saw the highlight of divisions in the crypto space. Bearing the Bitcoin symbol in its logo, the Nakamoto ethos seemed like a notable one.
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One of the founders of the website stated:
‘’Our goal with Nakamoto is to create a venue for technical, philosophical, and cultural writing that is of interest to the community as a whole, for beginner and expert alike. We want to discuss what is important even if not new, and avoid what is new yet unimportant.’’
The contributors included members of popular crypto companies such as Brian Armstrong and Jameson Lopp, Kathleen Breitman and Tyler Winklevoss. Vitalik Buterin was also a part of the group and this is where things have gotten worse. Some said it was weird that he is a part of the group since he is the first who forked and he is now the founder of Ethereum so his place doesn’t belong in a pro-Bitcoin Telegram channel. This is how the backlash with the members of the groups started and spiked a whole #ProBTC hashtag on Twitter. The user grubles wrote:
‘’Lmao that was fast. Nakamoto Telegram is hereby shutdown due to “trolls and spambots” aka myself, @BitcoinErrorLog, @pierre_rochard, @StopAndDecrypt, and many other Bitcoiners.
As the spambots and trolls had a point, the Blockstream CEO and the Bitcoin supporter Adam Back, pointed out that it is funny for the Bitcoiniers to have to justify themselves to Buterin. He wrote:
‘’Look it is ridiculous to have Vitalik of all people moderating a Bitcoin forum. There are other balanced moderators, dozens of them they could have organized. Personally I’m not that interested in having moderators telling me or anyone else what I can talk about.’’
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