USD Coin Overview
The widget that is shown below gives you the live price of USD Coin along with other useful market data such as the USD Coin market capitalization, trading volume, daily, weekly, monthly changes. The total supply, highest and lowest prices, etc.
By default, the USD Coin price is provided in USD, but you can also switch the base currency to Euro, British Pounds, Russian roubles, Korean won, Japanese yen.
USD Coin Value
Find out the current USD Coin Value now derived from some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp, Binance, Kraken, OKEx, HitBTC and others. You can select the checkbox to compare the prices between exchanges on the charts.
We also offer different views including Candlestick, OHLC, Line chart. Additionally, you can use the buttons to switch between USD Coin charts. By default, information is provided for the last week, but users are able one day/week/month/year, three months or data or any custom period. There is also a built-in feature of printing and downloading USD Coin price charts as well as opportunity to download data in XLS and CSV formats.
NEM Historical Price
The USD Coin (USDC) price can be previewed below for any period or day. By default, we show information from the past week but you can also switch and select any custom period to preview the USD Coin price.
There are multiple columns including date, price, volume and change. The date describes the day of the recorded price, the price shows the USD Coin Value as of that date, the volume column shows the trading volume of the coin for the current day and the change shows the percentage change in the coin’s price.
USDC Whale Holdings Percentage Is At A Two-Year Low
USDC whale holdings percentage is at a two-year low, and it is the result of heavy influence from the frequent…
USD Coin Technical Score Of 23 Shows Bearish Signs: Analysis
The USD Coin technical score of 23 proposes a bearish signal emerging for the coin and now the price is…
Circle Stablecoin Provider Sets Eyes On Public Listing In Q4: CFO
The Circle stablecoin provider sets its eyes on a public listing in the fourth quarter of the year according to…
Circle USDC Issuer Disclosed Reserves, Proves Its Liquidity
The Circle USDC issuer disclosed their reserves and proved that the company is actually liquid and showed that its stablecoin…