Cardano Overview
Our Cardano ADA widget lets you see any information related to the price of the ADA cryptocurrency. Aside from its Value today, you can also gain useful insights from data including ADA’s market capitalization, the trading volume as well as the daily, weekly and monthly changes.
And if you want to compare prices and see how the ADA price moved, you can easily do that through the other widgets on this page. The Cardano price can be seen in US dollars as the base currency but also in Euro, British Pounds, Japanese yen and Russian roubles as other currencies supported on our website.
Cardano Value
Now, you can find the actual Cardano Value from the top cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Kraken, Binance and others. You can also explore or select the checkbox to compare the prices between different exchanges on the charts.
We give you option to use various views such as Candlestick, OHLC, Line charts and other information. The buttons will help you switch between ADA charts and by default, we are presenting information for the last week but you can also choose one day/week/month/year or three months of data or any custom period. There is also a built-in feature that lets you print the Cardano price for any given day as well as download the data in spreadsheets (XSL and CSV formats).
Cardano Historical Price
The widget below lets you see the full history of the Cardano (ADA) price. You can customize the period of time to see the full price history for the required time. As you can see, there are date, price, volume and change columns. The date describes the day of the recorded price, the price shows the actual ADA Value as of that date while the volume column shows the amount (volume) that was traded on the coin for the current day. The change indicates the percentage change in the price of the coin.
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