Chainlink Linkt Overview
Chainlink is a cryptocurrency with a token named LINK. The LINK price can be seen on this page, along with all the other useful market data such as its market capitalization, trading volume, highs and lows as well as the daily, weekly and monthly changes.
This Chainlink price index displays the LINK price in United States Dollars (USD) by default. However, you can also switch the base currency to Euro, British Pounds, Japanese Yen as well as Russian Roubles. The current LINK price can be seen below.
Chainlink LINK Value
The LINK cryptocurrency value can be seen below and the prices are derived from some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges out there, including Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, Bitstamp, HitBTC and others. Our widget literally compares prices between exchanges on the charts, which you can see and get an idea about the best LINK price currently.
Our buttons can be toggled to switch between different LINK charts. There is information about the last week but you can also display one day, one month, one year along with multiple months of data or any custom period of your choice. Our built-in widget option lets you also print and download the LINK price charts. Also, there is the opportunity to download data in XLS and CSV file formats.
Chainlink LINK Historical Price
The price of Chainlink LINK has had a lot of ups and downs in its history. Below, the widget shows you the history of the LINK price and the major updates and movements.
What every user will love is the option that lets you customize any period of time and see the price history for the required time. In the columns, you can also see the exact date, price, volume and change.
Here, the date refers to the specific date you have chosen, the price is basically the LINK value as of that date, while the volume column shows the exact trading volume of the coin for the current date. The change indicates the percentage change in the price of the coin for that period.
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