Chain Overview
The Chain price index below shows a widget with many information on this token’s price along with other useful market data including its market capitalization, the trading volume, the daily/weekly/monthly changes as well as the total supply, highest and lowest prices etc.
By default, we are previewing the Chain price in USD but you can also switch through British Pounds (GBP), Euros (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY) and Russian Roubles (RUB). Chain Value
If you want to find out the Chain Value today, you can use the data we have from the top cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase, HitBTC, Kraken, OKEx and others. You can select the checkbox to compare the prices between exchanges on the charts.
Our widget displays different views such as Candlestick, OHLC, Line charts and others. The buttons help you choose between them easily. Additionally, you can choose one day/week/month/year as well as three months of data, or any custom period. There is a built-in feature of printing and downloading Chain price charts in XLS and CSV formats. Chain Historical Price
The section below contains the full history of the Chain (CRO) price. You can easily customize the period of time and see the total price history for any required time and/or period.
As you can see, the columns show date, price, volume and change. The date is the current date of the recorded price, the price is the Chain Value as of that date, the volume indicates the trading volume for that coin (daily) and the change indicates the percentage change in the price of the coin.
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