Ethereum Classic Overview
On the widget below, we show you the live price of Ethereum classic with other useful market data such as the ETC market capitalization, the trading volume of the coin, the daily, weekly and monthly changes etc. You can also see the highest and lowest prices of this cryptocurrency, the monthly changes and other information. We are listing the Ethereum Classic price in USd by default but you can also switch the base currency to Euro, British Pounds, Japanese yen, Korean won and Russian roubles.
Ethereum Classic Value
Scroll below and discover the Ethereum Classic Value from some of the best cryptocurrency exchanges with high volumes such as Bitfinex, Coinbase, Bitstamp, HitBTC, Kraken, OKEx and others.
All you need to do is select the checkbox to compare the prices between the exchanges on the charts. You can use different views including Candlestick, OHLC, Line charts etc. Additionally, you can use the buttons to switch between Ethereum Classic charts. By default, we provide information for one day, one week, one month and one year, as well as the previous three months of data, or any custom period of your choice. You can also download your ETC price charts in XLS and CSV formats as well as print them directly from the widget.
Ethereum Classic Historical Price
The section below contains the history of the Ethereum Classic (ETC) price. There is an option to customize the period of time and see the price history for the required time. In the columns, you can also see the date, price, volume and change.
Date describes the day of the recorded price, the price shows the Ethereum Classic Value as of that date, while the volume column shows the trading volume of the coin for the current day. Lastly, the change refers to the percentage change in the price of the coin.
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