When searching on the internet, trying to find a reliable and safe exchange site can be a bit challenging. This is why we offer 10 of the most reliable sites so we can ease the process for you as much as we can.
- Binance – Exchange that combines finance with digital technology. Binance works only with cryptocurrencies which means there’s no dealing with fiat currencies.
- Bitfinex – this is the largest Bitcoin exchanging platform. However, it is also used for trading other cryptocurrencies as well. Here you can trade about 200 cryptocurrencies at a time.
- Kraken – one of the oldest sites there are. Here even US and Canadian dollars can be traded. It is voted as one of the safest Bitcoin sites.
- HitBTC – a multi-currency trading platform, extremely advanced and many innovative features.
- Gemini – founded in 2014, this New York trust company allows you to sell, buy and store crypto-coins.
- Bittrex – although created by enthusiasts, Bittrex has very experienced developers behind it and it is considered as a next-generation platform.
- KuCoin– one of the few that offers a mobile phone app. KuCoin has a very strong and dedicated team behind the platform and it proved to be very safe. Also, they offer many unique coins too.
- BitMex – created by many experienced and skilled economists and traders who show great devotion to the work that they do. Users often say its problem free regarding cryptocurrency liquidity.
- Cryptopia – very popular site. Here you can exchange more than 350 altcoins, some cheaper than others and that is why sometimes they are hard to find on other sites.
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